"it’s about touching lives and making a memorable impact."
Optimal client care and wellbeing through the provision of competent and quality healthcare services at home
Our Services
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get services started?
It is very easy, simply contact the office and a nurse will need to do a free assessment prior to service commencement.
What happens during my first initial assessment?
a nurse will visit with you and learn about your situation and unique needs, in order to develop a good care plan and match you with the right caregiver
What is the Caring Touch effect?
The Caring Touch effect is our promise to patients and their families that with the assistance of our caregivers your loved one will receive optimal, specialized home health care. The Caring Touch effect can be seen in the faces of all the patients who are leading a fuller and healthier life..
Is my mom’s home care expense tax deductible?
Through various eligible forms – WCB coverage, Veterans benefits, private payment, some MSP coveFor more information to see if your loved one qualifies for tax deductions, visit this link: http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/E/pub/tp/it519r2-consolid/it519r2-consolid-e.pdfrage pending on care provided and certain personal/group insurance coverage.
Where is Caring Touch located? And will they come to my home?
Caring Touch is located in Maple Ridge, BC. Caregivers do work in-home with the client based geographically on the location of the home. For those who are seeking care outside of the immediate area e-mailing the professional staff with a more specific address or city can ensure that services are available in your area.
s do work in-home with the client based geographically on the location of the home. For those who are seeking care outside of the immediate area e-mailing the professional staff with a more specific address or city can ensure that services are available in your area.
Are we going to get the same caregiver or companion at all times?
Yes we always strive to maintain consistency in care for the sake of continuity. We always work to train two caregivers, so that one will serve as the regular and the other as backup due to circumstances that may warrant change of caregivers include job change, travel or illness.
Will you ensure my caregiver is a good match and provide a replacement if not?
Yes, this is a promise to you.
Can you consult with my doctor by my request about my care plan?
Yes, your nurse will always be willing to serve as an advocate or a mediator.
The Caring Touch effect is our promise to patients and their families that with the assistance of our caregivers your loved one will receive optimal, specialized home health care. The Caring Touch effect can be seen in the faces of all the patients who are leading a fuller and healthier life..
How is payment made for services provided?
Through various eligible forms – WCB coverage, Veterans benefits, private payment, some MSP coverage pending on care provided and certain personal/group insurance coverage.
How do I know what Caring Touch will cost for care of my family member?
Caring Touch features a free in-home visit in which the client and family members can discuss the desired care for the client and all their individual medical needs. Based on the assessment, the desired services and how frequently they are to be done we can generate an estimate of what individualized care will cost?
heir families that with the assistance of our caregivers your loved one will receive optimal, specialized home health care. The Caring Touch effect can be seen in the faces of all the patients who are leading a fuller and healthier life..